Saturday, May 06, 2006

5...4...3...2...1...DCJ is GO!

Yup, only one week to go until it's sales day in Bristol, and most of the comics are sort of finished. Kind of. Anyway, assuming that we get the bloody things finished on time, and that we can then get them over to Blighty in time for the con, our wares are as follows:

Wild West Wendy
Richmond Clements & Vicky Stonebridge
To save her immortal soul, Wendy will need to test it to the limits for 40 days and 40 nights. It was good enough for Christ: it's just about good enough for Wendy!
24 pages, b&w, A5, £2

Cannibal Salad
Bryan Coyle
There is nothing to fear but fear itself - but fear itself fears having to read Cannibal Salad!
24 pages, b&w, A5, £2

Bryan Coyle & Ed Berridge
In the forgotten depths of space lie the ruins of the Nameless Empire. A land plagued by poverty, banditry and death - where a lost ghost slips from the shadows, seeking vengeance...
24 pages, b&w, A6, £1.50


Blogger Bolt-01 said...

Ed, send me the text for this and I'll post it on other message boards for you.

8:40 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

For which stuff do you want to know? I also have some preview images if you want to use them.

3:16 am  
Blogger Bolt-01 said...

The whole post. It is formatted for HTML, so it should be easy to just copy and paste into a thread.

7:50 am  
Blogger VickyS said...

can't wait to see all this stuff finished.

ive pimped my guts out at myspace and made a page at my main site

and had to get to grips with code to do so.

no time yet to do a lovely coloured wendy painting...any minute now

6:07 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

Greywash it, wumman!

6:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I want a copy of each of these. Can you put some aside and I'll get a cheque to you.


10:02 am  
Blogger Ed said...

If we get any printed at all then I'll stick you some in the post, Mark.

12:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good arrive by last post Friday please, no pressure...!!!

2:28 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

Friday?! They probably won't even arrive by then! And if they do, we'll only have about two copies of each...

8:55 pm  
Blogger Bolt-01 said...

Hmmm, are you just leaving the blog? Long-time no-update...

12:05 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

Not you as well!

I don't have anything to update with - not being an art-moneky, I have to rely upon other people before I can put any shit up on here!

8:31 pm  
Blogger Bolt-01 said...

Hmm, what about a preview of skip to the End?

12:47 am  
Blogger Ed said...

Yeah, but that requires lettering, y'see. I have sent on the files to 'Er Indoors, but am still waiting for that illusive reply...

10:02 am  
Blogger VickyS said...

i'll do a pirate fur ye...soon, its just hard cos brain has exploded

12:15 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

That never stopped you before!

No, anyway that's for something different (which probably won't happen). We're talking about a new entry (and therefore artwork) for the blog. Now there has been something done already, but we're waiting for Bryan to letter it, and he's being his usual enigmatic self at the moment...

8:37 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

Be fair - a trapdoor fell on my hand, and I've been stuck. I've been a little preoccupied!


12:16 am  
Blogger Ed said...

Hmmm...I said 'stuck at work', but that bit seems to have dissapeared.

Damn this twisted claw of mine!


12:17 am  
Blogger VickyS said...

what an evil library trapdoor to the beasts hell pit landed on your hand & turned it into a deformed claw?!

maybe you could do battle with stabfoot ?

that would certainly keep one preoccupied.

rather you than me, i just do my battles with the cosmos's sense of irony & warped humour.

10:53 am  

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