The Coming of Cosmoose!

If this be doomsday...when the awesome holocaust strips the planet bare of its life-sustaining energies...the day when calls Cosmoose! Our planet contains the energy it needs to sustain itself. Cosmoose absorbs it at he has done for ages, in countless galaxies throughout the cosmos! So flee now, puny survivors...flee whilst you still can! Cosmoose is indifferent to your fate! What import are brief, nameless Cosmoose? Cosmoose is not evil! He is above good...or evil! He does what he must... for he is Cosmoose! All that concerns Cosmoose is its eternal hunger. And so, throughout the cosmos, worlds must die...that Cosmoose may live!
Cosmoose is ABOVE such concerns, ABOVE our understanding, ABOVE our judgement...for he is Cosmoose!
You know I think I have a Cosmoose living under my stairs in the back of the cupboard, is vinegar any good of getting rid of them?
There is but one COSMOOSE! Titan of the Beyond, its presence dwarfs planetoids that it leaves hollow, dessicated and barren in its wake...
Behold the mighty maleficence of the Moose!
What has StabFoot, the Avenging Moose of Verdun, to do with this matter of Cosmic Hyper-Destiny?
wonder what that is in my cupboard then?
I dunno. Hyper-mould?
It would be the last film that you would ever bear witness to...none who view the Majesty of COSMOOSE shall survive to tell the tale...!
I think you're confusing COSMOOSE - the Titan from Beyond Space, with ComuMoose - Hero of the People. He famously starred in a number of film serials and features, including the memorable likes of 'Proletarian Moose of All Countries Unite!' (1929), 'Crush Soviet Russia in My Impotent Fist of Anger' (1947), 'ComuMoose Urges You Ahead in the Final Year of the Glorious Five Year Plan, O-My Brother' (1931) and the infamous 'Literacy and the Vegetables of the Agrarian Revolution' (1954).
Originally, ComuMoose was depicted as a metaphor for the looming threat of 'Capital' and the massed forces of the bourgeoise. Later he became the spirit of Mother Russia herself, empowered by the pure hearts of all true communists, and sworn to protect the Red Army from whatever threats it might face, such as the space wombat Capitos the Destroyer, and later the giant worm from the Earth's core, NiXon the Bringer of Lies.
Sorry, have nothing to say, except "WTF?!", but my previous posting attempt failed, so am trying again, just out of curiosity...
I'm very confused that my browser has just leapt to this - I thought I was looking at something else entirely!
As for WTF (that means 'What The Fuck', right? See, I'm down wit da kids!), just think of a sort of Moosey Galactus and you'll have descended to our level.
sigh. i love cosmoose, nearly as much as stabfoot. in fact, i bless you boys for enriching my life by bringing together the cosmic stag and comics. ahh.
Ah, you're just buying into the capitalist COSMOOSE propaganda - any true socialist knows that ComuMoose's Moosey Revolution would have succeeded had it not been strangled and isolated by anti-Moosist Western elements!
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