Sunday, April 02, 2006

Skip to the End

It has been said in the past that people require 'more bangs for their buck'. But what if you could have something that was all 'bang'? If you're like us (and let's face it, who wouldn't wish for that happy possibility?), you'll probably always skip straight to the end of a strip to see how it finishes before deciding whether to commit your might mental processes to the challenging task of reading the whole thing. So why bother with all the tired foreplay when the twist's the thing? The Earth always blows up in the end anyway.

And so in this spirit, we present to you, gentle reader, the final panels of three chapbook spectacluars. To show you more might irrevocably damage your very mind itself through brain-blowing pictographic thrillcitement! So sit tight, hold on to your unbelieving eyes and prepare to skip to the end...


Blogger Richmond A Clements said...

Excellent work! Saved me the bother of reading the pages of tosh that come before the incredible twist.

12:20 pm  
Blogger Bolt-01 said...

What great twists! So glad I didn't have to read all the strip leading up to it! Thanks DCJ!

12:54 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

Well it was this or cleaning up piss in old folks homes...I still wonder if we made the right decision...

7:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd go for the piss (by the bucket load) any day.

Really LOVE the blowing of the smoke / nuclear mushroom cloud BTW...genious!

9:58 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

At least I like human women though, which at least places me a few steps up the evolutionary ladder from the person who shall remain nameless and his unspeakable acts of carnality with a creature of the ursine persuasion...

9:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just back to tell you that these effing comments don't post unless you 'preview' them first. Not on this machine, anyhow.

Otherwise, where's the muthafucking updates? You think I follow these links for fun? More sexual perversion and innuendo NOW, please...

12:37 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having said that, the above just showed up WITHOUT 'preview', so I'm wrong... it's just the Interweb being erotic again...

12:38 am  
Blogger Ed said...

You've really got sex on the brain today, haven't you?

If I had anything to update, or the will to do so, then I would. Christ, but I'm depressed.

I'm getting spasms in my hand from inking, and makes typing difficult with what I can only describe as a crippled claw. Plus my eyes have gone all blurry. I don't think I'm at all well.

Didn't realise there was 'preview' option before.

4:51 am  
Blogger VickyS said...

are you sure its the inking giving you spasms? or all Chrissies sex on the brain ?

i got erasing repetitive strain today, can't help but think that pouring a tin of black gloss paint on the paper & scratching into it with a 6 inch nail might be less messy.

... so... i only come here for the moose prOn... where is it ?

12:41 am  
Blogger Ed said...

You've got a transexula pony down the page...isn't that enough for you?!

How would Chrissie's sex-obsession cause my hand to have spasms? filthy minded beast...!

2:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, so the perversity continues, does it? I had to look. Here I am trying quietly to get a bit pissed to augment some sleep & escape from a v.v. hard day... but I was strangely disposed to check here first, and...

Anyway, don't you think perhaps those who pretend to be sex-fixated actually aren't all that bothered in reality? Hmmm...

2:55 am  
Blogger Ed said...

Well I'm thoroughly bladdered and am now augmenting this by passing the duchy on the left hand side whilst listening to DJ Shadow, and I'd say that anyone who pretends to be sex-obsesses has some even darker secret behind which they are hiding their even weirder and more perverse perversities. But that's just me.

Did I manage to spell that right?

11:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, my fixation on people with the initials DB isn't that well hidden, to be honest, but probably quite perverse.

(Keeping the thread alive! Still no bloody updates?)

9:34 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

I don't have anything to update with! Draw me something and I'll stick it up!

11:43 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send me a script, then!

12:48 am  
Blogger Ed said...

Fairy nuff! I'll send it, but I'm warning you now - quality is not my friend!

1:36 am  

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