Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Well, it's more than a week later, and I like to think that we're all more than a week wiser. Dreddcon went well, and we sold out of all the issues that we had, plus sent off a load of Pony School's to be sold at Octocon outside Dublin (now also finished, so we missed the chance to build up a bit of excitement there!). Dave, Rich and Vicky's work went down a storm, and we were both very pleased with what they'd produced. We're currently looking into getting a full-length Wild West Wendy comic out for next year, so keep your eyes pealed as you'll hear about it here first!

Unfortunately, we've been having some printing problems, and haven't had the second print out as quickly as we should have, so there's currently a backlog of people waiting for issues, which is a bit worrying. Hopefully we should have this sorted by the end of the week.

There'll be at least one additional strip for Brighton (well, almost certainly two, but I don't want to promise anything yet), as well as hopefully the color version of the cover (lovely work by the man Coyle there, even if I say so myself, which I won't if you - that's right, you! - buy yourself a copy!)

In other worlds, work is finally finishing up on FutureQuake and MangaQuake (in fact, I had to write a six page story in a day when an unexpected slot came in the day before I was off to Dreddcon!). Bryan has also finished his first page of The Forge, and it looks...well, there's no other word for it but simply...fantastic! I genuinely think this is some of the best work that he's ever done (though remember where you saw him first, Coyle fans!). No sneaky peaks, mind - you'll just have to wait for this issue to come out.

Oh, go on then - there's the first page of White Samurai, one of the new Action Stations! strips, drawn by Miss Emily Snape, at the top of the page. Don't say I don't treat you right!

Oh, and I'll be on a panel at the International Manga & Anime Festival 2005 on this Saturday, and involved in a further event on the Sunday. It's held at the County Hall in London, just by the London Eye, from the 21st - 25th October, and should be pretty sweet - they're showing Samurai Champloo! - and it's completely FREE! Be good to see people if they can make it down, as I'll be pressing the flesh pimping MangaQuake and upcoming DCJ title Shido...