Sunday, September 25, 2005

Less Than a Week to Go!

Okay, Action Stations is due out in less than a week (next Saturday, to be exact), and we're cacking it a bit, but it looks like just about everything should be done in time. We've had most of our subs back from contributors and (I think) we've managed to get all our own stuff done, so it's just a case of printint and getting it all posted. We'd both like to give a big murmer of thanks to all those who've been generous enough to help us out at the last minute and provide their excellent services for free. You're splendid chaps, every man-jack of you!

Anyway, enough'a my yakkin' - here's a gorgeous Vicky Sotnebridge page of Wild West Wendy, which looks bloody superb. Get on your knees in supplication, mortals!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Interview To A Kill

Okay, relatively quick post this time, but we're about a week and a half, and just over a week before the books have to be with me to go on sale, and I'm crapping myself. It's that point when you really start worrying about the various contributors getting all their stuff in - I'm sure I'd be worried to a much greater degree, but I'm just too knackered to be honest. There again, we've had two inked pages from Bolt of Destroy All Japs!, and I've seen some bits of Vicky's stuff, which looks like it might be some of the best work that she's done yet (and that's saying a lot). Bryan's also busy, getting Misty the Teen Detective, Jimmy McGuffin - A Life in Comics, and Communications Bunker (our letters page - with genuine letters!) together, as well as various editorial layouts and bits and pieces, and should be getting stuck into the cover now. Hopefully if we get it together on time, this should be a bit special.

Anyway, talking of Bryan, there's currently an interview up with Bryan over at 2000AD Review, for their new Small Press section
This was conducted by some not unfamiliar - well, what's a bit of nepotism between friends? Anyway, nip on over to have a butchers at the bonkers world of the man many know now simply as 'Dr. Mongoose'! Be afraid...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Mr. Bolt's Pretty Picture!

Quick message, but we're now well under way for publication in slightly less than two weeks. There's a variety of things to look forward to, including Pony School, SAS, Wild West Wendy, Misty the Teen Detective and other space-filling stuff - I'll go into a more detailed lineup closer to the time, but for now, here's some of Mr. Bolt-01's stunning pencils for the Destroy All Japs! strip, written by (apprently) "long-term collaborator" Richmond Clements - you are all very lucky people!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Secret Agent Skipper

Here's the first (unfinished) page from Secret Agent Skipper, which I'm rather pleased with. Look forward to seeing the exploits of Dave Morris - England's last line of defence against the sinister forces of International Communism - on 1st October.

We've also had word that there's going to be a review of Pony School #1 in the next issue of Redeye - - which should hopefully go well alongside the smashing review we got from Comics International -

Also, here's a link to Bryan's secret project - looks like it's going to be a corker: